And so it begins…

I have now written the first line of this first post about five times and every single time I felt as if I sounded like a pompous idiot; I may still but at least I might get onto the second.

It is January once again and this year I decided a little bit of re-motivation was in order, to try and get my creative spark back, so I made a resolution of sorts. I’m not usually one for resolutions, as like many others I tend to find that I’ve broken them by the end of the month, or sometimes the day after I’ve made them. However this year I decided that I would set myself something that I am pretty sure I will actually stick to…getting myself back into the creative zone.

Creativity to me is many things and I’m sure that as I write more these things will become apparent. (That’s not to say that all of my posts will be about creative things, most likely a lot of them will be random thoughts or stories, written under the guise of improving my writing.) Last year I kind of lost my creative spark, for one reason or another, and it’s strange that something I could enjoy so much would start to filter out of my life. Which is why I am trying to rectify that.

This blog is part of that journey, whilst admittedly I am a little apprehensive about doing so; I’m not sure if my ramblings will be worth reading; I’m going to give it a shot and I’m hoping that it’ll set me on the right path.

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