Under the weather #AtoZChallenge

“Sorry I’m late ladies, had a few issues getting out of the house.”

“Oh dear, that doesn’t sound good what happened?”

“Well let me see if you can guess?”

“Guessing games and Sunday brunch, fun.”

“Well when I accidentally dropped my comb on the floor the noise was apparently “deafening” and as I was just about to leave a pitiful voice asked if I could make breakfast and then just as I opened the door for the second time the pitiful voice decided that painkillers might be nice.”

“Man flu!”

“Oh god, I hope it doesn’t go around again.”


As part of the AtoZ challenge I am writing flash fiction of no more than 100 words. Today’s prompt was…

Under the weather

You can catch up with my other entries for this year’s A to Z here.


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