#IWSG – Competing

Last month I kept it short and sweet because I had a deadline for a writing course and I hadn’t had very much in the way of inspiration.

I’m glad to say that forcing myself to write actually worked. I got a lot more down on paper than I needed and whilst I wasn’t entirely happy with what I submitted I had, at least, something to hand in.

Since then it was looked over, I got to redraft it and then gave it back for final feedback. The feedback was really good and I was super happy.

I had planned to post it up here but then came across a short story competition. It was lucky because to enter it has to be work that hasn’t already been publicly posted. So I held off publishing with a view to maybe entering it into the competition.

Of course as soon as I had decided I would give it a shot I was plagued by self doubt and wondered whether it was worth it and what I would actually gain from the experience? Because I’m sure that if I were to enter I wouldn’t win.

So fellow writers, I am opening the floor to any of you that may have submitted work into competitions. I am hoping you can tell me whether you thought it was worth it? And what you felt you gained out of it?


Written as part of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

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15 thoughts on “#IWSG – Competing”

  1. Just over a year ago, as an introvert novice writer, I entered a ‘First Page of your Novel’ competition. I did it in the hope that it would help me finished my WIP (which was actually supposed to have been completed BEFORE entering, haha!) To my genuine amazement, my 1st page was shortlisted – one of six that were.

    “What’s your FB / Twitter name?” the competition organisers asked, prior to publicising the shortlist. Cue major dilemma – I’d never used any type of social media before! I don’t even have a mobile phone, for heavens sake! So overnight, I joined both!

    I didn’t win the competition, nor have I finished my WIP, but joining Twitter has changed my life beyond belief! I’ve met so many wonderful people, made new friends & now co-host #turtlewriters!

    Should you enter the competition – yes, without a shadow of a doubt! You never know what the consequences might bring you, expected or otherwise! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, it definitely worked to your advantage then, you’re right what have I got to lose really and it may have unexpected results. I think sometimes I need to be reminded to think more positively, thanks for being that person today 🙂

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  2. I’m not really big on writing contests, but it’s more an outward-facing career thought than an inward-facing self-doubt thing. If I’m going to submit a piece of work to a place it isn’t likely to be accepted, why would I aim for a contest when I’ll likely have just as much success submitting to a proper magazine? The upside for a magazine acceptance is so much higher—it’s an honest-to-goodness publication credit, which helps get the next one and the one beyond that.

    So far, I haven’t sold a story yet, but among the form rejections I’ve received a few very kind words from editors, and that’s a nice confidence builder.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah I suppose, I feel like a magazine would be too big a step for me personally at the moment, but it’s definitely something to think about.

      Plus it’s good that you’re getting feedback from people in the industry, that would definitely give you a boost. Hopefully you’ll sell one soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I entered the Flash Bang competition this year. I am not really sure what if anything I gained out of it,
    What annoys me the most is how much some of these comps cost to enter!!!! Someone must be making a profit somewhere!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know that was the one thing that I thought was strange, you are spending money to enter and it doesn’t appear you get any feedback for what you’re putting in, but maybe its the taking part that counts?! 🙂

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  4. Win or lose, it’s always a win-win. There’s only two ways to get better: reading and writing. Write and enter. Minimally, you’ll become a better writer by honing your craft. Bonus if you win the contest or get any additional feedback. But it’s a win for you long before that.

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