The circle

flash fiction

He told me to be still but I was having trouble with it.

“You’re fidgety, restless with yourself, you need to learn to take the time to appreciate what’s around you.” his husky voice would often lament.

The city was in my young bones, trying to commune with nature was speaking another language, one that I didn’t want to learn. Time rushed forward, the only pace I was really used to, traditions were met and before I knew it I was older with a family and responsibility.

I took them to that spot, as an escape. He didn’t come in the water, he sat and watched on the shore, smiling as my kids thrashed about. I told them to slow down and take in what was happening around them and chuckled to myself as the circle came back upon itself.


This was written in response to this week’s Flash Fiction For Aspiring Writers challenge. Thanks to Enisa for the photo!

Words: 130


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