#IWSG – Reaching Goals

This months question is: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/ finish a story?

I don’t really have any celebrations, I think that’s maybe because I’ve never really reached a writing goal or finished a story. At the minute I have no writing spark and it’s rubbish because the stories are there I just can’t get them out.

However, if I were to achieve a goal then I think I would treat myself to some kind of tasty treat, a nice cake or something chocolatey to keep my spirits up. If I finished a story then I would definitely treat myself to in no particular order, a new purchase like a book, or something camera related, because why not; cocktails or copious amounts of bubbles; probably a fancy dinner and maybe even a pamper night. Because if I get to the end of a book I will probably be a bit stressed and ready to look past it.

I am looking forward to a day when I manage to actually achieve such a thing!!


Written as part of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

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9 thoughts on “#IWSG – Reaching Goals”

  1. I think it can be helpful to celebrate the small achievements as well as the big, like writing some set number of words in a day, or spending some set number of hours on writing in a week. Small achievements have a way of adding up, and suddenly you’ve done something much bigger.

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  2. If you’re having wistful thoughts about what you might do when you finish writing a book, maybe you need to give yourself smaller “treats” along the way to give yourself some positive reinforcement. Like if you write some background studies for your characters? Score! Have a candy bar! Write the first 1000 words? Another score! You can celebrate all the way to the end, one little treat at a time.

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