Audiobook Review | All The Hidden Monsters #20booksofsummer24

My first book toward my favourite chilled reading challenge and what a book to start on.

All The Hidden Monsters
Amie Jordan

Sage is an ordinary girl and a werewolf, moving between worlds, desperate to make sense of her life.

When her supernatural friend, Lucy, is found murdered in the human domain, she’s determined to join the investigation, led by handsome warlock, Oren Rinallis.

Sage is neither magical nor immortal, but she knows right from wrong, and can scent a killer like no other – unless she and Oren kill each other first … | Goodreads | The StoryGraph | Amazon

I don’t know why I always find it so hard to write a review for a book that I love, I always imagine it’ll be so much easier and then when it comes to it I have no idea where to start.

I loved everything about this book, it immediately sucked me in and had all the right elements to keep me hooked, supernatural beings, murders needing to be solved, and fantastic characters.

The story is amazing, Sage, a werewolf, discovers her friend murdered and manages to force Oren, a warlock who likes to work alone, to let her help investigate. The world-building was incredible, Sage and Oren live in Downside, the home of most supernatural beings, but they were mostly investigating Upside aka our world, where some supernaturals choose to live. I enjoyed exploring Downside and its differences through Sage, who is part of both worlds.

This made the relationship between Sage and Oren fascinating, two supernaturals who are in some ways completely opposite and closely linked in others. They both feel like monsters and struggle to show people their real selves and at first, they clash. Soon enough though, even with their differences, they grow to respect each other and then form a close relationship.

This is helped along by P the poltergeist who, with no need to be afraid of anyone puts up with no-nonsense, likes to look after everyone and pull them together. I thought all the characters were great but I have to say I have a little soft spot for P and how protective she is over Sage, and her snark.

I have to say that I was kept guessing until the very end about who was committing the murders and why, it was very clever though. There were some other revelations throughout the story that made it very hard to put this book down, it has a lot of action and enough secrets to keep you gripped.

The narration was fantastic, I thought it was brilliant that Kate Dobson was able to have so many distinct voices and accents for the characters, it brought the story to life and helped with the sense of place.

I enjoyed this book so much that I’m hoping that there is more to come from these characters, All the Hidden Monsters is a book that I would highly recommend. Loved it.

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