A to Z 2017

I am once again taking part in the A to Z challenge. Last year I found out about it really late and as such didn’t have much of an idea for a theme.

This year I had a little more time to think about what I wanted to do and I have decided…wait for it…that I am going to do an A to Z of flash fiction.

I am going to have a phrase or a word for every letter and craft a piece of flash fiction of no more than 100 words. I’ll also be announcing these prompts every Sunday so that if anyone wants to they can join in.

Since the first is upon us I am using this post to kick things off, so for A the prompt is to include the phrase

All Greek to me



10 thoughts on “A to Z 2017”

  1. Raven, Hi! Two years ago I set off on a similar path, but I had a father-daughter team supply me with a photo (daughter) and prompt (father) for each day of the A to Z challenge. Unfortunately I had two deaths in my family (uncle and family pet) that threw me for a loop such that I completely dropped the ball.

    I will be checking on your attempt this year since I do about 5 flash fiction challenges each week. If you like that sort of thing let me know. I have a fresh post that lists the five challenges I frequent.

    My challenge will be focused on a new novel concept I am going to dive into come 2017 NaNoWriMo. It is a historical fiction about three Civil War veterans who head west in 1866 to seek their fortune. Along the way they meet a beautiful redhead trying to save her family’s timber and lumber business.

    Joe @ the Fiction Playground visiting from the A to Z Challenge

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    1. I only do one other flash fiction challenge at the minute but I’ve really been enjoying it, hence kind of making my own for AtoZ, I’ll have a peek at your site and find out what these challenges are 😊

      That sounds like an interesting thing to do for A to Z, I’ll definitely be checking in for that 😊

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