Blog Tour | Hiding #review #giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the Hiding blog tour, today I’ll be letting you in on my thoughts on the book and there is a giveaway too before we get to that here is what it’s about.


Keller Baye and Rebecca Brown live on different sides of the Atlantic. Until she falls in love with him, Rebecca knows nothing of Keller. But he’s known about her for a very long time, and now he wants to destroy her.

This is the story of two families. One living under the threat of execution in North Carolina. The other caught up in a dark mystery in the Scottish Highlands. The families’ paths are destined to cross. But why? And can anything save them when that happens?

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This is a strange one for me, I felt a bit like a yo-yo at times reading this book, lots of back and forth and changing my mind.

Let me start by saying at its core is a very interesting storyline, there is enough intrigue to keep you wondering how these people will fit together and what has happened between and to their families.

Unfortunately, this book has been pegged as a psychological thriller and that really lets it down. At the start of the book the set up was there, it jumps back and forth between Keller and Rebecca both in different years and of course as a reader there are plenty of questions there that need to be answered. For me though instead of it carrying on to build suspense it kind of plateaued for a good majority of the book.

There was an awful lot of backstory for Keller, and granted you do need some of it to understand his motivations and how he has turned out but considering this was supposed to be a thriller I felt like it was too dense. A lot could have been cut out whilst still retaining the vital parts that would help with furthering the story. The funny thing is the backstory was really engaging and if this was more of a look at character and development then it would have totally fit.

This means that by the end section of the book when the character actions are supposed to make you feel gripped and on the edge of your seat, I kind of felt ambivalent. I wanted to know what was going to happen but I didn’t feel any of the urgency that I would usually feel with a thriller. I also felt like the end, which is the most important part, was rushed, there was a lot of detail and jumping back and forth through most of the book and then at the climax it was all very linear and over in a flash.

I know it maybe sounds as if I didn’t enjoy the book but I did. The writing was great, a bit too flowery at times mostly during dialogue though so I suppose that was just the way of the characters. The characters whilst not entirely likeable held my attention and I did want to know about them, I never lost interest in the book.

What let it down for me was expecting a psychological thriller, expecting to feel utterly engrossed in something fast-paced that would have me guessing until the end and personally I don’t think that this book falls into this category. It is a good book and an interesting look at how your family’s past can shape your future and I would recommend it just maybe not to someone looking for a thriller.



If you are feeling lucky then you’ll want to enter this giveaway to win…

a $20 Amazon gift card

Jenny is a novelist, screenplay writer and playwright. After a series of ‘proper jobs’, she realised she was living someone else’s life and escaped to Gascony to make gîtes. Knee deep in cement and pregnant, Jenny was happy. Then autism and a distracted spine surgeon wiped out the order. Returned to wonderful England, to write her socks off.

Jenny would like to see the Northern Lights but worries that’s the best bit and should be saved till last. Very happily, and gratefully, settled with family.

She tries not to take herself too seriously.

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